Everything you need for Pen and Paper roleplaying games

Here you will find a new post about pen and paper roleplaying games like Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) from us every Sunday! To make sure you don’t miss anything you can follow us on Twitter and Mastodon or subscribe to our weekly newsletter!

  • Tieflings in Dungeons & Dragons

    Tieflings in Dungeons & Dragons

    Tieflings are a fascinating and complex race in Dungeons & Dragons, often shrouded in an aura of mystery and shadiness. Their infernal origins and ability to excel in a variety of roles make them a popular choice among players. In this article, we take a deep dive into the history, characteristics, and cultural significance of…

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  • Humans in Dungeons and Dragons

    Humans in Dungeons and Dragons

    Humans are one of the most popular and adaptable races in Dungeons & Dragons. In the world of D&D, they are known for their diversity, ingenuity and ability to thrive in almost any environment. History and development Compared to other races such as elves or dwarves, humans have a relatively short lifespan. However, this has…

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  • Barbarians: Wild Heroes in D&D

    Barbarians: Wild Heroes in D&D

    Welcome to today’s blog article, in which we’ll look at the fierce heroes of the Dungeons & Dragons 5E universe: the Barbarians! These fearless warriors are known for their raw power and connection to nature. They are the ones who face the wild battlefield and strike fear into their opponents with a loud war cry.…

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  • The mysterious world of Sorcerers in D&D

    The mysterious world of Sorcerers in D&D

    Ah, the sorcerers – mystical beings with unfathomable powers that can change even fate. In Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) 5e they are one of the most fascinating and flexible character classes. Let’s dive into their world together! The heart of a Sorcerer: Sorcerous Origin Every sorcerer in D&D draws his magical abilities from a special…

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  • Is Critical Role overhyped?

    Is Critical Role overhyped?

    Critical Role brought me to Dungeons and Dragons and to pen-and-paper back then. By chance, I stumbled across a stream on Twitch and was quickly enthralled by this new magical world that opened up to me. I was captivated by the mixture of improv theatre and dice games. But Critical Role actors, their humour and…

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  • D&D Feats – A complete guide

    D&D Feats – A complete guide

    Feats are an optional Dungeons and Dragons rule, but are used by most adventuring groups. They allow you to specialize your characters and make them stronger or more role-playable. So D&D Feats help you build exactly the character you want! How do I get feats in D&D? Most classes have the option to either increase…

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  • Most popular D&D Classes and Races

    Most popular D&D Classes and Races

    Have you ever wondered what the most popular D&D Classes and Races are? Well here is a tool that you can use to find out! You use the filters to drill deeper into a specific class or to only look at those found in the Player’s Handbook 🛒. About the Data I’ve tried to find…

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  • Dungeons and Dragons Classes – An Overview

    Dungeons and Dragons Classes – An Overview

    The class you choose is an important part of your character. Probably the most important, in terms of rules. It determines what your character can contribute to the adventure party in both problem solving and combat. In this article, you’ll learn how Dungeons and Dragons classes differ and which one would be best for your…

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  • Solo-RPGs: Pen-&-Paper without a group

    Solo-RPGs: Pen-&-Paper without a group

    One of the biggest obstacles in pen-and-paper is finding a roleplaying group and setting a date with that group for when you’ll next play together. Many campaigns end early because of these scheduling issues. If you really want to play pen-and-paper, even though you don’t have a group for it, or everyone has cancelled again,…

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  • Who is Vecna in Dungeons and Dragons?

    Who is Vecna in Dungeons and Dragons?

    Especially since Stranger Things came out, most people know the name Vecna as some sort of evil being. This character also plays an important role in the first season of Critical Role. But who actually is Vecna in Dungeons and Dragons? „Evil is not an absence of good. […] It is not a choice. […]…

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  • How to play Dungeons and Dragons online

    How to play Dungeons and Dragons online

    Playing Dungeons and Dragons online can be an excellent alternative if your roleplaying group can’t get together physically. In this article, we’ll show you what you need to prepare to have a great online gaming experience. Tools for playing Dungeons and Dragons online There are a number of tools that can help with playing Dungeons…

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